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We take great pride in packing your order accurately and efficiently.  We do this to not only save you money but to make sure your Mustang Parts arrive safely.


How much will shipping cost for my order?

Shipping companies base costs on size and weight.  We do not add shipping to your order until it is packed, measured and weighed.  We will pack your order as efficiently as possible to save you money and then the cost is added to your final total.  We also receive discounts from various shipping companies that are passed on to you.  We do not add “handling charges” or other add ons.


Can my shipping cost be quoted before sending the order?

If you need to know how much shipping will cost, we will be glad to provide a quote based on your order.  We will contact you anyway for the shipping costs on very large parts before sending your order.


What carrier is used for shipping?

Most of the time we will use United Parcel Service (UPS) due to the efficiency and tracking abilities.  Truck freight is used for larger items and larger orders.  The US Postal Service is also used, particularly for smaller orders.  You can be assured that we will always pick the best way to ship your order and may contact you to discuss this.


Is International shipping available?

We can ship all over the world.  We usually can accommodate your request in terms of method of shipping, or we can simply pick the most efficient carrier.

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PH: 540-896-2695

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